Panther Report

9202 Highland Oak Drive

Tampa, FL 33647

Panther Mart

📣 Attention Parents! Volunteer Opportunity: Panther Mart Event on April 17th and April 18th

Dear Parents,

We are excited to announce a wonderful opportunity for you to get involved and make a difference in our school community! The upcoming Panther Mart event is scheduled for April 17th and April 18th, and we need your help to make it a success.

What is Panther Mart, you ask? It’s a two-day extravaganza where students get to utilize their hard-earned Panther Bucks to purchase exciting merchandise. It’s a fantastic way for them to enjoy the rewards of their efforts and have a blast selecting fun items.

We are seeking volunteers to assist during this event. Your role would include:

  • Collecting Panther Bucks from the students.
  • Guiding students to understand which items they can purchase within their price range.
  • Restocking shelves as needed to ensure a smooth shopping experience.
  • Assisting teachers with any additional tasks as necessary.

This is a fantastic opportunity to interact with our students, support their learning journey, and contribute to the vibrant atmosphere of our school.

To sign up for a time slot that works with your schedule, please visit: Volunteer Sign-Up Link

Your participation and support are greatly appreciated. Let’s make Panther Mart a memorable experience for our students!

Thank you for your ongoing commitment to our school community.

Submit Your Photos

Capture the Memories! Share Your School Event Photos with Us!

We’re building a treasure trove of memories from this year’s school events, and we need YOUR help! Please send your fantastic photos to [email protected].


A brief description of the photo

Mention the specific event it is from

Let’s create a visual journey of our wonderful moments together. Your snapshots will be a cherished part of our school’s history!

Thank you for being a part of the memories!

Yearbook is on SALE

Time is RUNNING OUT Get Your Yearbook now!

Purchase your yearbook before time runs out! The end of the year is almost here!

Why should you get your yearbook now? It’s a beautiful keepsake of all the incredible memories we’ve made this year. Your child’s school year, sports, and club achievements will be captured forever. It’s a great way to support our school and the PTA.

Here’s how to secure your yearbook:

  1. Visit our yearbook order page:
  2. Select the yearbook option that suits you best.
  3. Add it to your cart and proceed to checkout.
  4. Don’t forget to use the School’s Passcode: 101487958292635

It’s that simple!

Remember, the clock is ticking, get this precious memory for only $33.87.

Let’s make sure every student has a yearbook to cherish and look back on for years to come. Share this post with your friends and fellow parents so they don’t miss out on this fantastic keepsake!

Thank you for your support, and let’s create a yearbook filled with unforgettable memories together!

#YearbookSale #MemoriesMade #DiscountAlert #SchoolSupport #PTA

Upcoming Events

Step Up for Students

Empowering Florida’s Pre-K3 through 12th Grade Students to Thrive with Personalized Education

We call it personalized education. This is our driving mission. We unite the community to provide scholarships that open doors to a stronger future. With this support, Florida students can choose the right learning environment and connect with the resources they need to reach their full potential.

With Step Up For Students Scholarships, children gain access to private or public schools that would otherwise be out of their reach. Students who were bullied get a fresh start. Struggling readers excel with extra support. And those with unique abilities access a wider range of academic programs and materials to meet their needs.

These opportunities are made possible by people in our community who continually step up for Florida students. Through tax programs, individual donations, workplace giving, planned giving, and more, they enable our students to thrive from pre-school through high school and beyond.