9202 Highland Oak Drive
Tampa, FL 33647
Uniform Clothing Drive
HGE will be collecting new and gently used uniform items February 6-14. Send in polo shirts, spirit shirts, Pants/Jeans, shorts, skirts, dresses and NEW socks and underwear. Drop off boxes will be located throughout the school.

Run New Tampa 5k and 1 Mile Fun Run
We are getting closer to our biggest fundraiser of the year! Be sure and sign up your family to participate in the race! Visit our website for race information and to sign up.

Boundary Analysis
Superintendent Davis released his suggestion for the new school boundaries based on the information the district received from the community. To view the new scenario click on the following link.
The school board will be holding a special workshop on Feb. 13th to review the suggested boundary implementation timeline and recommendations. Workshops are not open for public comment but can be viewed on the district’s website.
After the recommendations have been made there will also be additional community meetings.
Community Meetings:
Feb. 20th 6-7:30 King High School and Mulrennan Middle School
Feb. 22nd 6-7:30 Webb Middle School
Feb. 23rd 6-7:30 Madison Middle School and Chamberlain High School

HGE PTA General Assembly and Monthly Meeting
Join us Tuesday, February 14th at 8:30 AM at the school for our General Assembly Meeting and our monthly PTA meeting.

Upcoming Dates
Feb 13 – 16 Random Acts of Kindness week
Feb 17 – No School
Feb 22- Spirit Night
Feb 24 – Spring Pictures (Individual and Class)
Feb 27 – Mindset Student of the Month